The Art of Concurrency in Go

Title: The Art of Concurrency in Go
Date: January 11, 2022
Duration: 1 HR

Johnny Boursiquot, Platform Observability Engineer, Salesforce’s Heroku

Registration Link

Get Programming with Go (Skillsoft Book, free for ACM Members)
Tanmay Teaches Go: The Ideal Language for Backend Developers (Skillsoft Book, free for ACM Members)
Advanced Programming in Go: Go Channels (Skillsoft Course, free for ACM Members)
Getting Started with Go: Introducing Go Programming Language (Skillsoft Course, free for ACM Members)
Managing Database Concurrency (Skillsoft Course, free for ACM Members)
Learning GO (O’Reilly Book, free for ACM Members)

Would Johnny be interested in giving a repeat talk for the Chicago Chapter of the ACM? We typically attract 60-80 per virtual meeting but with the right topic, person and affiliation then that audience level can go much higher.
You can see our video archive (ACM Official You Tube Channel) at:

Thanks for reading and looking forward to the presentation today.