Machine Learning for Algorithm Design

Title: Machine Learning for Algorithm Design
Date: October 26, 2021
Duration: 1 HR

Maria Florina Balcan, Cadence Design Systems Professor of Computer Science , Carnegie Mellon University

Steve Hanneke, Purdue University

Registration Link

Machine Learning: Algorithms and Applications (Skillsoft Book, free for ACM Members)
Machine & Deep Learning Algorithms: Introduction (Skillsoft course, free for ACM members)
Algorithm Design and Applications (Skillsoft Book, free for ACM members)
The Algorithm Design Manual, Second Edition (Skillsoft Book, free for ACM members)
Introducing Algorithms in C: A Step by Step Guide to Algorithms in C (Skillsoft Book, free for ACM members)
Applying Machine Learning (Skillsoft course, free for ACM members)
Practical Machine Learning in R (Skilsoft Book, free for ACM members)