It's Time Deep Learning Learned from Software Engineering

Title: It’s Time Deep Learning Learned from Software Engineering
Date: Monday November 2, 1:00 PM ET/10:00 AM PT
Duration: 1 hr
Speaker: Jeremy Howard, Founding Researcher,; Distinguished Research Scientist, University of San Francisco

Tech Talk Registration
API Strategy Design & Implementation: API Strategy Best Practices (Skillsoft Course, Free for ACM Members)
Deep Learning for Coders with fastai and PyTorch (O’Reilly Book, Free for ACM Members)
Deep Learning with TensorFlow, Keras, and PyTorch (O’Reilly Video, Free for ACM Members)
Deep Learning with Python (O’Reilly Book, Free for ACM Members)
Practical API Design: Confessions of a Java Framework Architect (Skillsoft Book, Free for ACM Members)
Spotlight on Data: The Power of Deep Learning in the Hands of Domain Experts with Jeremy Howard and Hirokazu Narui (O’Reilly Video, Free for ACM Members)

This topic is very relevant for me, since as a data analytics graduate student at UCF, I recently used a software build automation tool on one of my projects, and I have to say the experience was not pleasant. I was asked to execute a few commands to setup the project, which didn’t go well. Moreover, I had to keep in mind that before committing any changes to the project I had to run other commands to ensure compliance. Honestly, I had a hard time keeping up with these instructions, I found it hard to understand what was going on, or whether I’d done something very wrong that there was no way back, and why were so many new files being created, while other being deleted? What I am trying to say is this, for someone who is looking to start a career as a data scientist, dealing with the different algorithmic families and their implementations, while enjoyable, is often hard and time consuming, so what would be your advise on how to incorporate best practices from software engineering, without being totally consumed by them? Thanks, Mina

Hi, very excited for this talk.
If I am unable to make the live webinar will it be recorded? And if so, where can I access it?

Thank you!

Hi Aidan,

The talk will be available on demand immediately following the event. You can access it by registering at the same link above. We will also upload it to YouTube within a few weeks of the talk. You can access the full archive of Tech Talks on our website here:

-ACM Education Dept

Is there a link to a copy of the presenter’s slides?

This was my first ACM talk and I really enjoyed it! Learned lots and thank you.

(There was no survey available at the end of the talk for me.)

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We’re so glad you enjoyed it.

I’m not sure why the survey didn’t display, but we would appreciate your feedback if you’d like to fill it out:

Unfortunately we cannot share the slides for this talk on the presenter’s request.

Thank you very much. I loved the talk. Learned a lot from it