Title: Lessons from COVID-19: Efficiency vs Resilience
Date: Wednesday, October 14, 12:00 PM ET/9:00 AM PT
Duration: 1 hr
Speaker: Moshe Vardi, Professor, Rice University; Senior Editor, Communications of the ACM
Tech Talk Registration
Adaptive, Dynamic, and Resilient Systems (Skillsoft Book, Free for ACM Members)
Secure by Design (O’Reilly Book, Free for ACM Members)
Meet the Expert: Kip Harkness and Tim O’Reilly on Turning Your City’s COVID-19 Response into an Agile Action Plan (O’Reilly Video, Free for ACM Members)
MIT Sloan Management Review Article on Leading Through COVID-19 (Skillsoft Article, Free for ACM Members)
Resilience Engineering (O’Reilly Book, Free for ACM Members)
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I am thrilled to see the ACM suggesting that there is more to analyzing algorithms than efficiency. We have learned how to measure the Cost of Quality, quantify risk assessment, and score common vulnerabilities (CVSS). Coming from a business perspective this all falls broadly under providing a business case.
We need software engineers that understand software resiliency is important and that it can be measured. I hope this presentation includes suggestions of how to measure resiliency.
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By the way, say “Hi” to Dr. Bajcsy for me. It has been quite a while since our days at U Penn.
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Efficiency is indeed very, very important to most people. I believe that Resiliency is more difficult for the marketplace to place a value on. A company offering a more resilient service or good will usually go out of business to the competitor offering no resiliency.
Therefore: do you think resiliency is relevant only to public services where voters decide to impose such a requirement? e.g. public health or roads or bridges? And some voters will decide against it.
Thank you Dr. Vardi for the great talk. You mentioned that redundancy is the potential answer to resilience. Though, I think the answer is probably deeper. Often resilience can lead to competition and contention. If this is not managed well, then the systems can crash and not function properly. Do you have thoughts on that? May be availability of sufficient resources is the answer?
Absolutely amazing, thank you for sharing your knowledge with me.