So I get to the Preamble, read it, read the comments, and look for the “next” button, and… oh, there isn’t one.
If you create a document that is to be read, you must provide a simple way to read it sequentially. If such a method exists, it must be obvious, visible both at the beginning and end of the current page, and be bidirectional.
This is an example of a design by a programmer for a GUI: it is logically organized, hierarchical, and unusable.
I lack the patience to navigate the complex structure I find here. As an ACM Life Member, I have interest in this topic; as a retired person, I am very busy introducing STEAM concepts to grades 3-9 and don’t have time to waste trying to get to the next page of an ethics document. I need to explain closed-loop feedback systems to 10-year-olds in a way they can both understand and use; my time is better-spent doing that.
joseph m. newcomer, phd