Correctness-by-Construction - How Can We Build Better Software?

Title: Correctness-by-Construction - How Can We Build Better Software?
Date: May 31, 2023
Duration: 1 HR

Ina Schaefer
Professor of Software Engineering, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany

Will Tracz
Former Chair of ACM SIGSOFT; Member, ACM Professional Development Committee

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Software Development Activity Cycles: Collaborative Development, Continuous Testing and User Acceptance (Book, free for ACM members)
Better Software, Faster! Best Practices in Virtual Prototyping (Book, free for ACM members)
Software Design and Development: Methodologies (Free course for ACM members)
Software Development: The Big Picture (Free course for ACM members)
Software Development in Practice (Book, free for ACM members)


This topic is very interesting to me since I have been in the systems business since the 60s and have had to estimate the cost of a system based solely on a system specification in order to bid on a contract.

Given that the correctness of the product depends upon the development environment (e.g., the different tools, libraries, and languages used at the different stages of refinement and their semantic compatability), what is the state-of-the-art in qualifying the development environment as a whole?

Given that the correctness by construction is with respect to the specified requirements and given that most disappointments in software-dependent systems have been rooted in requirements (esp. the transformation of user needs into formal requirements specifications), to what extent can “domain modeling” help? What is the state-of-the-art in leveraging domain modeling in conjunction with domain engineering to create correct-by-construction systems?

I missed this talk and I regret it. Is any recording available… If so please do share…

Kiran K

I would also be very interested in the recording

Here is the link to the recording:

Here is the link to the recording: