Software Product Management: From Opinions to Data-Driven Experimentation

Title: Software Product Management: From Opinions to Data-Driven Experimentation
Date: August 20, 2024
Duration: 1 HR

Jan Bosch
Professor, Chalmers University Technology

Will Tracz
Former Chair of ACM SIGSOFT; Member, ACM Professional Development Committee

Registration Link

Software Product Management: Foundational Concepts (free Percipio Course for ACM Members with Skills Bundle)
Software Product Management: The ISPMA-Compliant Study Guide and Handbook (free Percipio book for ACM Members with Skills Bundle)
Handbook of Re-Engineering Software Intensive Systems into Software Product Lines (free Percipio book for ACM Members with Skills Bundle)
Estimating Software-Intensive Systems: Projects, Products, and Processes (free O’Reilly book for ACM Members with Skills Bundle)
Software Process Management (free Pluralsight course for ACM Members with Skills Bundle)

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As we look across internak software assets, to enterprise and consumer software, how would be approach data driven experiementation and the larger data driven product management principle.
This would be my query for the Q&A section of this talk.


The registration link shows the event has been cancelled!