Scala Is for... Distributed Systems? Web Apps? Front-end Development?

Title: Scala Is for… Distributed Systems? Web Apps? Front-end Development?
Date: Thursday, July 12, 2018
Time: 12:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time
Duration: 1 hour

SPEAKER: Heather Miller, Executive Director and Co-Founder, Scala Center, EPFL; Carnegie Mellon University
MODERATOR: Christopher Meiklejohn, Ph.D. Student, Université catholique de Louvain; Carnegie Mellon University

Webinar Registration Link (free)
Programming in Scala, Third Edition (Skillsoft book, free for ACM Members)
Practical Scala DSLs: Real-World Applications Using Domain Specific Languages (Skillsoft book, free for ACM Members)
Scala Introduction (Skillsoft course, free for ACM Members)
Functional Programming in Scala (Safaribook, free for ACM Members)
LEARNING PATH: Scala: An Introduction to Scala Programming (Safari Videos, free for ACM Members)
LEARNING PATH: Scala: Master Scala Programming (Safari Videos, free for ACM Members)

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I have registered and got the link. But there is no way to access the webinar. It keeps sending me back to “registration complete/get the calendar file” web-page.

We regret that the event had to be postponed due to a last-minute emergency. It has been rescheduled for July 12 and you are already registered for it, and will receive reminders before the event. Thanks for your understanding!

Thank you for the update! I hope everything is ok with regards to the emergency. Have a great week.

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